Update: Currently Employed

For those still looking, DON'T GIVE UP! The hard work will pay off.

Published on in Job Search & Employed.

That's right, I got a j-o-b. Two actually. When it rain it pours. Thanks to all that helped and provided advice. For those still looking, DON'T GIVE UP! The hard work will pay off.

Here's my success story: After a great month in April of applying for jobs and doing good interviews, Company A offered me a contract job at very nice hourly rate, but the week before starting, I had another interview with Company B. Started at Company A, loved it. Didn't hear back from Company B until 3 weeks later. Got a call to do an early morning phone interview, but they gave me no indication if they would offer me a job. That was fine, since I was happy with working at Company A until Company B would call me and offer me the job. It was a full-time permanent position with benefits and a great company to grow with. At this point, most people will be content with what they have, but when a fair salary was mutually agreed upon between us, the decision was made without me having to think about it. It was tough to say goodbye to the great people I just started to get to know, but they understood and agreed that it was the right decision. Now I'm working at Company B and having a blast! Lots of amazing things happening here and hope to make a major impact.